Thursday, January 9, 2014


I cant believe my time at the MTC ends on Monday! Crazy. It has been such a hectic week but its been great.

On Friday sister Jenson and I skyped TRC with a Korean girl and it went so well! We talked about prayer and we could understand about 60% of what she was saying. So exciting.

Then on Saturday I had CMS which is like tutoring with Sister Baek who actually grew up in Pasadena and know David Corless and Mariah Moffat and such which is cool. but anyways I just wanted to practice listening and speaking with her. So she shared her conversion story then had me tell her what I understood and I understood about 50% of what she said! Big self esteem boost there. Then she had me share why I decided to go on a mission in Korean and it was very broken Korean but I got the point across. the spirit was so strong it was fantastic and the gift of tongues is so real because I didn't think I knew that much Korean.

On Sunday I got released from being sister training leader and let me tell you. I was being blessed a lot by that calling because these past few days have been rough. Monday was definitely the most trying day at the MTC. I scheduled my MRI for tomorrow because infield orientation that is mandatory was supposed to be today. Well we found out that they actually switched in field to Friday so we would be missing it because of my MRI and the health center wouldn't let me change it. Sister Jenson was not happy with me and I was stressed because she wasn't happy then I started getting even more stressed because people were telling me that I would be taking too much medication on the plane and it was just bad. So I talked to sister Bagley about it and she actually comforted me a lot. She talked to me about how many lives I've touched already and that I just had to really trust in the Lord. And I realized she was right. I mean I always knew that but it was good that she reminded me. And Now I'm totally calm about the whole situation and I know it is in the Lords hands and that everything is going to work out because he needs me in Korea :) Sister Jenson and I also got a blessings from Elder Payne in our district which was so good. That was another thing that calmed me down because he said the Lord wouldn't let anything go wrong and to stop worrying about how I'm going to get to Korea, just be excited to go. I felt like that day brought Sister Jenson and I closer than we already are because we were both in tears by the end of our blessings and we just hugged forever and it was great :)

Tuesday was a really good day :) We had an amazing devotional by Bishop Stevenson, the presiding bishop of the church, and his wife. one thing his  wife said really struck me. She said, "Be thankful everyday you get to put on that badge because the day you have to take it off will be the worst day of your life." I realized that I really haven't been magnifying my calling as much as I should and I sent goals to really make the most of this short time where I am dedicating myself to the Lord. I want to be able to say I did everything I could to serve the Lord during the short time I have to dedicate my life to him.

We had the best district devotion ever after that! It was the last one we were going to have which is sad. But the spirit was so strong and I realized how much I truly do love all the people in my district and I'm going to miss them so much. we all decided that we are the spirit doctors because we heal peoples spirits. It was a great meetings.

Well the next time I email you I am going to be all the way across the Pacific Ocean! I love you all so much and I hope your week is going amazingly!

북음은 참됩니다! (The gospel is true!)

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